Getting a Leadership EDGE


How often has this thought crossed your mind? “I can’t afford time away to attend training and don't have the bandwidth to read yet another leadership book that may or may not help. I already have more than enough on my plate.”

We hear this all the time from people who want to get better results but struggle with finding the time to invest in their own development. So, today, I'm excited to announce the launch of the Leadership EDGE SeriesSM of booklets — a new tool to help you succeed.

We designed the Leadership EDGE SeriesSM booklets to give you what you need in a way that works for your busy schedule. Each booklet gives you practical, relevant information in manageable chunks to quickly help you get noticed, get results and get the edge.

Based on our experience advising and coaching leaders in Fortune 500 companies for over 20 years, we understand the challenges and skills that affect your ability to move up. No matter where you are in your career today, you'll come away with strategies you can use right away.

Choose which booklets make sense for you, based on your specific needs:

Building Executive Presence — Do others see you as someone who has leadership potential? Is your presence in sync with what you want others to notice about the value you bring? Use these everyday strategies to raise your self-awareness and quickly strengthen how you show up as a leader.

Strategically Standing Out —Do you wonder what others really think of you, and how that image hurts or helps your career and effectiveness? Do you want to get recognized for your contributions but just don’t know how to tastefully do so? This booklet will help you stand out among your colleagues and get the recognition you deserve.

Communicating with Impact — Does your communication style help others see you as someone with leadership potential? With valuable insight and information to share? Does your approach instill confidence in others? Learn how to send the right message, one that strengthens your brand and has a positive impact on business results.

Building Influence — As people move up in organizations, they have to get more done with and through other people to be successful. This requires understanding how to effectively build relationships and navigate organizational dynamics to create positive outcomes. Use the strategies in this booklet to minimize conflict and get faster results while building your credibility.

Staying Engaged — Are you losing that passion that helped you get where you are today? Are you ready for something to change, but don’t know exactly what or how to figure it out? Are you starting to feel disengaged? Gain more clarity and rediscover your passion so that you can get back in the game.

Staying in the Driver’s Seat —Do you have difficulty proactively creating the life that you want? Is how you invest your time and energy in sync with what matters most to you personally and professionally? Use these tools to get more of what you want personally, while moving forward in your career.

Building a Strong Team — Do you lead others, formally or informally, and want tools to help you manage and elevate their performance? Do you want to build more trust and promote more collaboration? This booklet has simple, effective strategies to help you do just that.

Building a Powerful Network — Do you understand the importance of a strong network, but struggle with finding the time or strategies that will work for you? Do you wish you had some simple tools to help you make progress? Learn how to develop lasting, genuine relationships that will help you get results for your career and the business.

Get immediate access to the Leadership EDGE SeriesSM of booklets, along with the other leadership tools we offer, in the Shop section of our website.