To Prevent Burnout, Do a Midyear Check-in

Can you believe we are already halfway through 2022? We’ve all been navigating a lot of change for a couple of years now, and that change shows no signs of slowing down.

That means it’s more important than ever to work mindfully and to take care of yourself. When you’re always charging full steam ahead, you’re risking burnout.

So let’s pause for a moment so you can check in with yourself and recalibrate. If you’re a regular reader, you know that I always recommend doing this at the end of each year. But in the intense work environment we’re currently experiencing, a lot may have changed for you in these past six months. And you may need to shift your game plan from the one you started the year with. The following questions can help you assess the best way forward.

Where Are You Right Now?

Sometimes it’s hard to look up from your daily responsibilities to see the big picture at work — or even how you are doing yourself. But you’ll be more productive if you can catch your breath for a moment and take a look around and within. 

First, how have the company’s priorities changed since the start of the year, and what does that mean for how you should spend your time? For example, if your company’s top leaders are prioritizing employee engagement, how does that affect the way you manage your own team?

Next, what changes have you personally experienced in the past few months — for example, going back to work in the office — and how have they affected your stress level? Remember that your executive presence is tightly linked to your internal wellbeing. In other words, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed will make it tough to exude a calm and confident demeanor that is so important for leaders to show right now.

What Do You Want to Take Forward?

Even if this has been a difficult year so far, notice what has worked well. What have you accomplished and what strategies made the biggest difference in achieving those results? It’s too easy to overlook your personal best practices if you’re moving quickly from one thing to the next. But when you pause, you can identify and leverage them to create positive momentum.

Here are a few examples to spark your own thinking:

  • Regularly scheduling time to connect with people who give you energy.

  • Getting involved in projects that develop your skills and leverage your strengths

  • Engaging in activities that are fulfilling.

  • Delegating at home and at work.

What Do You Want to Leave Behind?

Now let’s look at the other side of the coin: the challenges of 2022. What are the top two challenges you have faced and what have they taught you? For example, was there a type of situation you don’t want to find yourself in again, a behavior you want to change or emotional baggage you want to leave behind? 

A good way to distill meaning from challenging situations or roadblocks is to write a thank-you note (for your eyes only) to the difficult person or experience. By doing this, it will force you to reframe the negative aspects of the situation into positive lessons. 

What Do You Need to Do for Yourself?

You may have a to-do list that is a mile long, but how often do you make it onto your own list of priorities? Take a moment to identify what you need right now. If you honestly don’t know, getting more rest may be a good starting point. Other ideas could be:

Based on your answers to these questions, identify one small step you will take to set the tone for the second half of 2022. I also want to invite you to invest in your own growth and wellbeing with Newberry Solutions’ products and services, including the award-winning New Lens app.