What’s New from Newberry Solutions

In this environment of constant change, we’re passionate about providing organizations the tools and resources they need to respond to the latest challenges. Besides our blog and social channels, we’ve also been sharing our insights and strategies through some top media outlets and in a new white paper. We want to make it easy for you to tap into our expertise, so today I’m rounding up our 2023 publications so that you can catch up on any you might have missed.

Forbes Coaches Council: Retention, Growth and Development

The Great Resignation may have faded from the headlines, but employee retention is still a big issue. That’s why I wrote the article “To Retain Employees, Help Them Grow And Develop for  Forbes Coaches Council. In it, I shared ideas on how to prioritize growth and development even when schedules and budgets are tight.

As a Council member, I also contribute to roundup articles alongside other inspiring coaches. We’ve tackled a variety of topics so far this year:

Fast Company: Stress Management

One of the major themes we’re seeing this year is the importance of managing stress (both your own and your team’s) to prevent burnout. I talked about this topic in the article “4 ways managers can take care of themselves through stressful situations” for Fast Company. As I wrote in the article, “before you can be there for your team, you have to first take care of yourself.”

White Paper: Managers Under Pressure

In addition to those media publications, we also launched a new white paper this year, “Managers Under Pressure.” We created this research report because we saw how important managers are in helping organizations navigate key issues like remote work, layoffs and resignations. But, at the same time, managers are more likely to suffer from burnout than either higher-level leaders or individual contributors are. “Managers Under Pressure” will enhance your understanding of today’s unprecedented challenges, how those challenges affect your organization’s managers and how to help your managers become more resilient, effective and engaged.

Share the Learning

I hope that these resources will help you meet your goals at work and that you will also consider sharing them with your team members and peers who are also navigating these issues. To go deeper with our learning and development resources, check out our award-winning New Lens® app. Schedule your demo today