self reflection

2 Questions to Shape Your New Year

Each new year, I encourage my clients and readers to complete a simple exercise that can have a profound effect on how they move forward. As we begin 2021, this exercise has never felt more important. So carve out as little as 10 minutes for some self-reflection and think about these two questions. You'll get the most out of this exercise if you write your answers out by hand.

2021 move forward

1. What Do You Want to Leave Behind from 2020

Your first instinct might be to answer "everything!" And that's fine. But what comes up if you go a little deeper? Here are a few examples to spark your thinking:

  • Do you need to leave behind any ways of working that just aren't relevant anymore in our reshaped business landscape?

  • Has your perfectionism become more of a weakness than a strength lately?

  • Are there ways you can reduce the amount of time you spend with people who drain your energy?

  • Do you need to escape any thinking traps (like assuming that it's always your fault if something negative happens) that hinder your productivity and happiness?

  • Are there any other situations you experienced in 2020 that you don't want to find yourself in again?

2. What Do You Want to Take Forward into 2021? 

This question might feel a bit harder to answer. But as difficult as 2020 was, it also left you with new wisdom and insights. Do any of the following examples ring true for you?

  • From working under stressful conditions, you learned to make decisions more effectively and efficiently.

  • You realized that self-care is non-negotiable.

  • You saw how your strengths helped you get results even in difficult circumstances.

  • You got better at delegating, at work and at home.

  • You got a clearer sense of what you really value and the work you want to be doing.

By answering these questions, you will now be able to maximize the power of the things that are working for you and be more mindful about changing the things that aren't working. As you start your year, I also invite you to explore Newberry Executive Solutions products and services for both teams and individuals, including: