theme word

Finding Your Theme Word for 2024: Join the Challenge

As we embark on the fresh canvas of 2024, I invite you to join me in a thought-provoking and potentially transformative challenge: choosing your theme word for the year. This isn't just any word, but a guiding star that encapsulates your hopes, ambitions and what you want to cultivate more of in your life. I find this activity much more impactful than setting resolutions for the year.

My chosen word for 2024 is "Joy." This simple yet profound word holds a special meaning and a promise to myself. It's a commitment to making time for things that truly bring me happiness, an oath to steer clear of activities that drain my joy, and a dedication to spreading joy to others.

Why Choose a Theme Word?

A theme word acts as a compass throughout the year, guiding your decisions, influencing your reactions and shaping your experiences. It's more than a resolution; it's a mindset that permeates every aspect of life. The beauty of this concept lies in its simplicity and adaptability.

 Why ‘Joy’?

1. Making Time for Joy: In the hustle of daily life, it's easy to neglect what makes us truly happy. This year, I'm committed to carving out time for activities that light up my soul. Whether it's enjoying time being active in nature, listening to live music, or spending time with friends and family, I'm making joy a priority.

2. Doing Less of What Takes Away Joy: Equally important is the conscious effort to reduce activities that sap my happiness. This might mean setting boundaries, saying no to overcommitments or stepping away from draining people or experiences.

3. Sharing Joy with Others: Joy is contagious. By embodying joy, I aim to be a source of positive energy and inspiration for people around me. Whether through acts of kindness, being a supportive friend or simply smiling at a stranger, spreading joy can make a world of difference.

How to Choose Your Word

1. Reflect: Think about what you want more of in your life. Is it peace, adventure, growth, balance or something else?

2. Visualize: Imagine how your life would look if it were shaped by this word. How does it make you feel?

3. Test: Say it out loud; write it down. Does it resonate with you?

4. Commit: Once you've chosen your word, embrace it fully. Let it guide your choices and actions throughout the year.

Join the Challenge

I encourage you to share your theme word with friends, family and on social media. Let's inspire each other and create a community of individuals striving towards our chosen themes. What will your word be? Adventure? Resilience? Love? Creativity?

Remember, there's no right or wrong choice. It's about what speaks to your heart and aligns with your aspirations for 2024. 

Let's make 2024 a year of intentional living, guided by our theme words. May your word lead you to unexplored paths and a year filled with exactly what you wish for.

Are You Living Out Your 2023 Theme Word?

Can you believe we’re at the end of Q1 for 2023? This year is flying by, so it’s a good time to check in on your theme word for 2023.

You might remember that I chose “fun” for my theme word. That theme has played out in some interesting ways so far this year. I have made new friends, listened to live music, danced, and gone parasailing, snorkeling and jet skiing with my son during a spring break in Turks and Caicos!

With my breast cancer diagnosis three years behind me, I am finally physically getting back to being me. It’s been fun indeed to feel really fit again. And it’s brought up another important word for me: gratitude. I’ve really noticed who brings out my joy when we spend time together. I’m so grateful to these women who have been in my corner during my post-cancer journey. The richness of the support they’ve given me inspires me to support others as well.

That also seems like a fitting note to conclude Women’s History Month 2023. I’m always in awe of what happens when women unite in their passion to lift others. This year, I’ve seen that passion in (to name just a few examples) United Way of Metropolitan Dallas’ Women of Tocqueville, at the Dallas Business Journal’s Bizwomen Mentoring Monday and in Orchid Giving Circle as we prepare for the next POWER Leadership Forum in May. I’m looking forward to telling you about more meaningful — and fun! — events coming up soon, too.

This week, think about one or two tweaks you can make to bring you more into alignment with your 2023 theme word. What can you add to your calendar to support your intentions for this year? And what can you remove? Remember, we’re always here with tools and resources to support your goals, and in your corner cheering you on.